Photo Updates

Month: June
PTM snaps
Niveetitha getting the best performer award for the month of June
Deepthi Sukanya (Clinical Nutrition & Dietetics) explaining the importance of nutritious food for pre-schoolers
Ms. Deepthi Sukanya
Parents at the PTM
Parents at the PTM
Going through the copy of documents titled "Importance of nutritious food to pre-schoolers" that was distributed during the meeting
Smiley snap - Santhosh & Family!
Click of the month June:
Birthday celebration of Sahana

Month: April

Anksh getting the trophy and toffee award for the month of April (Best performer for the month of April)

Parents at the meeting

Sahana, the best Hard worker for the month of April

Nivethitha, the toy expert for the month of April

Vihan, the smart learner for the month of April

Vedika, Miss Cute and Clean for the month of April

Anksh, the topper for the month of April
1st Parent-teacher meeting

Click of the month - APRIL

First Ilanthalir of Hello Kids

Shamu giving her standard pose!

Shamu with her favorite play equipment

Shamu is playing along with her friend Kavinaya

Shamu is observing something new!

Victorious smile of Anksh after completing the puzzle!

Vedika at work - catching fishes and frogs!

Vihan learning "Chubby Cheeks" from his teacher

Vihan is trying to say "teeth within" of the rhyme "Chubby Cheeks"

Nivethitha is learning "chubby Cheeks"

Nivi is trying to repeat the rhymes herself.

Anksh at class - obediently listening to the teacher

Kids singing and dancing with teacher

Vedika - Vihan - Nivethitha - Viveka - Anksh (playing chick-pook train!)

Kids enjoying the train game with the teacher!

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